Instituto blumar
The Blumar Institute was born from the desire of a group of people passionate about the environment, especially marine life, to make a difference in environmental awareness. These visionaries wanted to create an organization that could inspire and educate people about the importance of preserving our planet.
To create the visual identity of the Blumar Institute, they counted on the help of a team specialized in design. The idea was to create a visual identity that could convey the organization's mission and that was easily identifiable by the public.
The logo chosen was a sea turtle, a symbol recognized worldwide as an endangered animal and which represents the fight for the preservation of marine life. The colors used were blue and green, which represent the sea and nature.
The Blumar Institute's visual identity is a reflection of the organization's mission. It conveys the importance of fighting for the preservation of marine life and environmental awareness.

Design de Identidade
Instituto blumar